iReka Soft Apps

Seerah of Prophet Muhammad 1.3
iReka Soft
An ebook narrating the story of the Islamiclast Prophet, Prophet Muhammad S.A.W. The stories are narrated inEnglish.• 5 books (1 free preview) + 4 ($2.99 to unlock)• Illustrates with 3D animation• Comes with narration and word highlightThis application was developed by iReka Soft.What's New in this Version- Many bugs were harmed during the making of this release.They're gone now.- Improvement in user interfaces.
Sirah 25 Rasul 1.0.5
iReka Soft
Sirah 25 Rasul menampilkan kisah-kisah teladandari 25 Rasul-Rasul yang wajib diimani. Kisah-kisah menarik yangdirakamkan sangat memberi manfaat untuk setiap pembaca.Kisah-kisah hebat para Rasul ini juga boleh didapati dalambentuk aplikasi yang bersifat lebih interaktif. Kini, pembelajarandan pengetahuan tentang para Rasul lebih menarik dan mesrakanak-kanak. Marilah memuji para Rasul.
CubaTeka! Hangman in Malay 1.3.1
iReka Soft
Jom bermain teka perkataan ala 'Hangman' dalamBahasa Melayu.Teka perkataan dalam bahasa Melayu dan kembangkan pebendaharaankata anda.Perkataan-perkataan disusun dengang abjad 'A~Z'.Let's play guess the wordala 'Hangman' in Malay.Came the word in Malay and develop pebendaharaan your word.Words have been prepared dengang alphabet 'A' Z '.
Love Holidays 1
iReka Soft
Holiday is fun, exciting, happy and many more.Guess what word that are all about holidays. It must be funtoplay with your family and friends.
101 Dreams 1.0.1
iReka Soft
Hello! Do you have a dream? I believe everyone has dreams. A lot ofthem. Things that make you smile. What do you want to achieve thisyear? A year from now? 5 years from now? 10 years from now? If youstart to write them down your dreams, the image of your dreams willbecome clearer, and the possibilities to achive it become bigger.Here are some tips how to write your dreams on this app. Feature: -Nice keyboard layout on the text editing view. - Numbering thedream item.
Amazing Places 1.1
iReka Soft
Discover beautiful and amazing placesaroundthe world.The app displays:- curated amazing places in thumbnail view- see detail of picture- see the location of place in Google Maps
Sirah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W 1.1
iReka Soft
Sirah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W.Ebook yang menceritakan kisah Nabi terakhir, iaitu NabiMuhammadS.A.W. Cerita-cerita yang disampaikan dalam bahasaMelayu.• 5 buku (1 preview percuma) + 4 (RM 12 untuk membuka kunci)• Dilukis dengan animasi 3D• Dengan penceritaan dan penanda perkataanAplikasi ini telah dibangunkan oleh iReka Soft.
Superfood 1.0
iReka Soft
The concept of the superfood is a popular one when it comes to foodand health. The latest scientific evidence, and assure us thateating these foods will give our bodies the health kick they needto stave off illness and aging. The current attention on superfoodshas likely been encouraged by a growing public interest in food andhealth, particularly in the developed world.Despite its ubiquity inthe media, however, there is no official or legal definition of asuperfood. The Oxford English dictionary, for example, describes asuperfood as “a nutrient-rich food considered to be especiallybeneficial for health and well-being”, while the Merriam-Websterdictionary omits any reference to health and defines it as “a supernutrient-dense food, loaded with vitamins, minerals, fibre,antioxidants, and/or phytonutrients” These are just a handful ofthe many studies that have looked at the health properties offoods. At first glance, they appear to lend weight to the existenceof certain superfoods — certainly, the nutrients in these foodshave been shown to have several health-promoting properties. It isa way that the food industry wants to persuade us that eating somefoods can slow down the ageing process, lift depression, boost ourphysical ability, and even our intelligence. Labelling some foodsas ‘super’ in the media may also give the impression that otherfoods in our diets are not as healthy when, in reality, these foodsoften provide nutrients just as valuable as those found insuperfoods. When it comes to ensuring a balanced nutrient intakefor good health, we need to increase the range of nutritious foodsin our diets rather than focusing solely on a handful of foodsclaimed to be ‘super’. Importantly, this should include a greaterquantity and variety of fruits and vegetables. Many Europeancountries provide food-based dietary guidelines to help peoplereach this goal.
Muslim Phrases 1.0
iReka Soft
Muslim Phrases displays common phrases by muslim to anothermuslim.بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ 

 السلام عليكم و رحمةالله وبركاته 
 وعليكم السلام و رحمة الله و بركاته 
 السلام عليكم 
 الحمد لله 
 سبحان الله 
 ما شاء الله 
 لا إله إلاالله 
ما شاء الله 
 الله أكبر 
 أستغفر الله 
 بسم الله 
 يا ألله 
إن شاءالله 
 جزاك الله خيرا 
 لاحول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم
 آمين يا رب العالمين 
 إنا لله و إنا إليه راجعون 
 الله أعلم
Orderla Admin
iReka Soft
Get notified and manage orders POS / Merchant 1.2.3
iReka Soft
Unleash the Power of Mobility and Boost your BusinessAnytime,Anywhere!